What about sales assistants ?

I know that there will be people who say that there are sale assistants that can help explain makeup to people who don't know much about makeup and everything that it can do. This is what I disagree with as most sale assistants are in more high end stores like house of Fraser and Selfridges. when your in these stores you can get help very easily with help in what your looking for but when your in the drugstore you don't get as much help and the sale assistants as there are not specialised in makeup like in the higher end shops, also I don't believe that the average person who isn't that into makeup but just wants to understand it a bit better so they can get the most out of it would want to spend the time and money going into the higher end stores. This is why I want to create a stand and brand that can help explain in the most simplified way why someone might need a certion product as well as what it can do if used properly. I believe that my rebrand company stand will be very useful to both the young teenagers who are first trying out makeup as well as adults that have never really used makeup much but as there skin is maturing want to give it some more attention. Either way I think that this stand will and rebrand will be very beneficial to the company.               


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